Interaction between interpreter and observer in the physical world

         The mind by learning in the physical world of phenomena and its laws. It shapes its skills consciously by using of ego, which sometimes develop into personality traits that become use by subconscious or lower self. Which results in that person performing daily activities, and thinking about something else entirely. So the interpreter jumps on various subjects of physical, emotional or mental level. Everything associated with the past or the future often being blinded to this "what exactly" is happening in the present moment.

Untrained mind will tend to fall in interpreting phenomena and think more about various connotations associated with it. Thinking about eating and wandering on thinking about not washed car or other problems.
Because all human knowledge, which he gather in the physical world and measure with established beliefs, knowledge or experience. Such a belief which came from outside world in which he grew up start to see the action of the mind itself and that only measures and sees of himself. Therefore, people from different cultures and backgrounds cannot see other people in an objective way. We always perceive subjectively. Of course, traveling, education, and being with different people after some time human is able to be above that and look at it objectively.

However, regardless of anything and everything our brain works by association because we're built, so mental or emotional information, which only become common in the short-term memory and the long-term (e.g. traumatic events).
Therefore, first, it is important to understand the operation of the interpreter and the observer. Understanding the actions of your mind gives you a possible impact on it, as well as experiencing the phenomena, and at the same time for the better memorizing and draw more and more lessons that life offers us.
Do you think that nothing is happening around us right now? There is always something going don't look simply through the keyhole at the world, but through the window.

So what will happen if you have a peaceful state of mind?
Human when is learning peacefulness of his interpreter and activate observation results in perceiving things as they are. So pure physical experience through the senses. Reaches a state of pure calmness or passive state of meditation. Many people know the feeling where something just did, and in a few hours later he is not even able to remember what it was. Or someone asks you, where you went with yours thoughts? And you say nothing I just blackout, went off! This is the effect of the observer without our interpreter. Of course, this can be physically presented in the form where you can call this action - the work of our short-term memory and long-term memory. Short-term is an attribute of ego and our focus. Long-term associated with subconscious mind - where we store learned skills, habits and traumas. So now we have come to the question. How to do it? That our observer and interpreter will work on high-level and best speed? So that we are going to create ourselves in a chosen direction? The main thing is to find a balance between the interpreter and not go to far with it, and right perception of phenomena by uses of senses. It is just an action of the ego, which balances between use of our interpreter and observer. With this approach, a person can learn whatever he or she wants and interests him or her. We can focus on changing old habits with new ones, as well as learning new skills whether its sports or mental abilities.

However, we know that learning new abilities are the commitment of our perception and interpretation. Sometimes you need to repeat something many times to learn it. I try to explain to use of this state of mind in everyday life. Please note that our starting point is our peace-full state. Practice of meditation active-passive, so thinking and perceive by perception.
We practice our mind and we strengthen our neural paths which become stronger and work better and better. Just as our muscles practice and practice, and become stronger and stronger as our attention and will become better.

We should pay attention to the people with whom we live. In a situation when we learn new skills, from our point of view, nothing is impossible counts only work on ourselves and selected skills. However, you need to be aware of whom are you going to learn. People can find themselves in a situation that your coach, friend, master, which is positive or negative. If he is positive and have a desire to cooperate, I believe that it is worth trying. Nothing is gold that glitters ... On the other hand, good to remember if we are going to cooperate with the negative people that focus on contest, psychological abuse or emotional vampirism (e.g. annoying). This will only discourage us, strengthen our negative development, which can degenerate into selfishness. We need to bear in mind that every person is at a different stage of development and each has good and bad wolf in it, just depends on which is going to be nourish. A man who knows how much he can afford himself should consciously decide from whom he could learn – because by himself he practices these abilities. Often there are some situations in which the master by a reason tries to take us out of balance, and only for it that he is checking and testing us. The stage of development where man should ask himself must answer to these simple questions:
- Whether he or she wants to incapacitate me?
-What kind the action fruits this person has?

The subconscious mind and the pursuit for pleasure and avoid the stress. That's why you should pay attention to the fact that our consciousness act with use of subconscious mind, which directs us only to pleasure and how to avoid pain. It is desirable to learn how to manipulate it so as to use it for our purposes. This is all related to the continuous work and pleasure in order to change it, persuade, correct and in time to make it a new positives habits and skills. In hypnosis often they use suggestions and convert one negative habit in the other hand to habit sometimes positive and sometimes negative. In the event of a negative example: with smoking to drinking ... Not understanding the cause of the problem and changed to a more complex negative habit.
Meditation actively-passive in the inner world
Going back to the previous topic - summarizing and following this. The human notice after some time that everything here depends on where and how we are going to use our attention consciousness in daily life. If we follow this in the outside world without trained interpreter, who fall into one to second extreme - the only interprets and goes on associations of thoughts. Just will lose it. However, if he or she perceive only by whether it is the main sense of the visual, auditory, and feeling, smell or taste anything again from this experience without interpreter will not remember. It is inextricably linked with the automatic operation of the perception.

In developing this state of mind we are going to develop at the same time, our inner senses. My point is about imagination in the inner world. Just like it was with the awareness of face outwards. However, our imagination has no boundaries just like exist in the physical world. Instead, we can recall the taste of lemon, or feeling how to cuddle your loved one or just a time with your pet. Or some situations in the past where we were on vacation. Listening and humming in mind your favorite song. You are leading the conversation with your partner or with someone from work. All this is related to the internal perception through the senses, which are stored in our memory. Going on with this, we are able to visualize and create a new situation, reinforce what has been learned, and draw out more and more new conclusions. The development of this area turned into a study of lucid dreams, which began scientifically investigate by Steven LaBerge. I consider him an expert in this field. Where it uses mental functions to work on yourself. To the east, they call it a state of clear light awareness. Where a man has a very clear and vivid dreams. In the first stage do not realize it. However, developing action interpreter and the observer realizes that this is a dream. And use this state of mind in which confines are only our beliefs and our own imagination. However, this topic further I will not move. Since I'm still working on it.

For many years, I have studied many authors practiced every night. Often in the books you can read, that's how we live in everyday life is a reflection on our dreams and what type that we have. Often they talk to practice writing dreams in every morning. It trains and develops our memory recalling. We often have dreams clear and conscious. However, without memory exercises and work on them it will remain in our unconscious mind. I often have accompanied this question "OK, but how can I practice my consciousness?", and this led me to study of my body and my mind. Therefore, based on my dreams conscious and not conscious. I came to conclusions that without understanding how our body and mind works, we are not able to influence this phenomenon. However, I say that work on balance in the operation of the interpreter and the observation of whether practice in the day or at night is the same, and has very large benefits.

Lucid dreams are associated with the development of the critical state of mind. In his book, Steven LaBerge Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming he drew attention to the performance of the test of reality, which in my experience I know that work, but I have dreams conscious, but not as satisfying as I'd like to have it. Therefore, I examined my mind and came to the conclusion, and I noticed that without the development of his own mind and thinking. Man does not occur in this area to nothing. Therefore, it is important here to work with our own consciousness day and night. So long as a man is able to afford it. Some may themselves have heard about it or experienced this. After all everyone dreams. Whether he or she likes it or not. Many people do not pay attention to this because we were raised like this. The studies speak for itself everybody dream, and lucid dreams depend on conscious work of man over himself.
I would recommend the books to this topic:
Steven Laberge - Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming (page 57, "The critical faculty").
Bruce Moen - Travel Beyond Any Doubt
A.E.Powell - Mental Body.

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