Nutrition and diet

Your food should be a medicine, and your medicine should be a food.

1. Generally about nutrition
2. Pollution
3. Nutrition and types of fuel
4. Nutrition impact, and the balance of processes of self-healing organism in ontogenesis
5. Bad circle - eating food only to get calories
6. Acidosis disorder of acid-base balance toward acid products
7. The glycemic index (GI)
8. The quality and quantity of energy
9. Blocking hunger
10. The daily cycle of our body
11. Types of my diets

1. Generally about nutrition

I am a vegetarian from 17 ages so about 11 years. Many people ask me why I became a vegetarian. To be honest the main motive in the beginning was not to, not killing of animals. First, I was interested about how to increase my energy level, and why eating different types of foods affect the function of my body. Why when I was eating some products in the morning I just asked myself why I feel like could I go just to sleep? Going back to that period of time I had been accompanying myself with the question "how I can handle myself if I have still entire day ahead of me." I remember when I had been walking in different states of my mind, where after reaching the high school by bicycle, I was late as usual for mathematics or Polish language lessons, and then after 10 minutes I struggled to stay awake.... Since then, I have begun to study the impact of nutrition on the functioning on our body. I read, tried, and tested. Therefore, I believe that the best teacher is to:
1. Respect of yourself
2. Be open minded
3. Study of books, interviews, other people
4. Test on yourself
5. The use of what is good for promotions of our physical health, and reject if it is negative

Good effect I emphasize to not only be guided by emotions, but a logical thinking and observing the effects and try to change the cause and come to conclusions. We choose and shape our new good habit.

Every human body is built from the same genetic code, but the same DNA is variously activated, giving us people to certain characteristics and predispositions. Once people had to have one type of blood, but by the impact of the environment and the lifestyle, or migratory and nomadic which influenced the structure and type of blood that we have today. Therefore, there is a diet incorporating blood type. That is how we see our bodies evolved and what is happening with us right now. For example, my blood type is A + my ancestors led sedentary lifestyle associated with eating mainly agricultural food. Of course, when I have chosen a vegetarian diet I didn't have a clue in that time. This was my intuition, and my tests and errors. People with blood type 0 their ancestors had engaged in hunting animals or led a nomadic life which the main food was meat. Diet including blood group - I will not elaborate further on this subject, however, you can check this link. (
This certain knowledge about our ancestors led to creation of diet called "Warrior Diet". However, briefly I want to focus our attention to one thing about this topic, hunt on the animals then have a different meaning. It was mainly for survival, the meat was healthier, the animals were not stressed like today. They lived back then in a natural healthy environment. Nourished with the same natural products. They had clean air, water, and uncontaminated plants.

The meat of this animal had a different taste and properties. The man then ate only as much as needed. Let's face it in order to survive he had to run fast and be strong male that he can support of himself and his family. Today, people at most on fight for promotions in Tesco. Coming back to our today's animals, which are kept artificially in some countries they are feeding with growth hormones, and even feed with modified food. They live in closed cages subjected to great stress. Now let me ask you, a question? Have you ever wondered how many things we need to produce 1kg of meat? Of course, the above-mentioned factors are an example because the scale of this, is enormous, and I show below the ratio intended to illustrate the subject. Very well illustrated by the book "Everything about vegetarianism – Kinga Wisniewska -Roszkowska"
Meat production:
  • To produce 1 kg of meat needs 12 kilograms of grains and soybeans;
  • closelyTo 1 kg wheat needed to 190 liters of water;
  • To produce 1 kg of meat takes an average of 20 000 liters of water (production of1 kg of beef consumes up to 50 000 liters of water!);
  • The quantity of potatoes, which can be obtained from1 acre (0.405 ha²) of land is 18 000 kg;
  • The amount of beef that can be made on 1 acre of land is only 112 kg;
  • As many as 100 million poor people could be fed, ifthe people of the United States reduced their meat eating by 10%.

Internet Source (
Now, analyzing the last point of 100 million people, can be fed fully? If only people of the United States reduced their meat eating by 10%? That's how our eating habits have an impact on the whole world.

2. Pollution
Still I want to mention of our nature, that is contaminated. Everyone knows about it. Often people ask me the question whose like to bother my mind. I send greetings to these emotional vampires. OK well meat is not healthy, but you eat veggies, but they are also contaminated. I'm going to clear the air. Presenting the ratio previously about production quantities of meat, and animals which eat vegetable products (contaminated) conclusion suggests itself. I think I will write it to be clear so this will define my attitude. Meat is more contaminated than plants. Do I have proof about it? I will refer to the example of fish and I would like you to watch the movie.

Type in the you tube “Generique Poisson: Elevage en eaux troubles” and choose English subtitles.

It reminds me of my discussion in college, we had such a professor of philosophy. During the discussion about the different philosophical schools and about our influence to the world, I shared with him my thoughts, "if I want to change the world I have to start with me" and he said to me that it is an empty statement and does not have much effect, and you, what do you think about it? Do you have an impact on what happens in the world or do you not have it? People who will make different choices in life not only to think about themselves, but thinking about good for humanity. Do they have an impact on the world, or maybe not?

Now you know why I'm a vegetarian? It's not just about health, not killing animals, or to feel it better. It's about what really guided us ... Which wolf we are going to feed.
By the people I was treated differently in the form of questions and then attacks and ridicules. Some of them want me me to tell them in three sentences why am I a vegetarian? So now I hope that someday these people will read this. I appreciate people who have an open mind, the level of respect and manners, and even if at the same time are carnivores. I respect these people who deserve it and tolerate those that I have to. My parents eat meat and I love and accept them because it is their life and path of life itself. However, I was very happy when their eating habits have introduced more fruits, vegetables and grains. I have a great opportunity to enjoy them longer and more fully. They reduce the possibility of disease and can enjoy their retirement as well. Unsearchable are divine judgments or perhaps as someone could have said coincidence or destiny.
Through 11 years I admitted that I had three situations in which unknowingly ate something that I should not. The first situation, I was with my dad and performed some kind work for some people. I said to them that I am a vegetarian and I don't have to it the soup. I remember that lady which said this is a vegetable barley soup. OK so I decide to believe it and when I was eating closely I have realized that there is a minced meat. So, I felt cheated .... four years of sacrifices ... Since then I decide to be more distrustful to other people cheap talks.
The second situation was about two years later from that time. It happened at the workshop as I remember name for it "workshop with emotions" supposed to be a cheese chops. It turned out they served the fish ... they suppose to serve vegetarian food, I'm not pseudo vege-fish-eater ... sorry ... I told myself I have to be more careful with what people have to offer me, and control myself better.
The third situation was it in December 2015 year we have gone to a pub with some people there were my wife and another fellow vege eater and others carnivores. I supposed to eat nothing but after some persuasion decide to eat dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms, this is a Polish delicacy. I asked service do you serve with meat? They said no and I said that I am a vegetarian. They gave me these dumplings, sprinkled with the onions, which were baked in lard rather than oil. And I said to myself another defeat. . . I decide to not waste food and clean dumplings and eat without onions. Life goes on. Now do you think these situations defined me? Am I still vegetarian? Or you place me to another box?

3. Nutrition and type of the fuel

We all know that food is very important for our life and keeps the body in good condition. Let us think about it closely in the first place we need oxygen, water, and food. Many people say, and I have the impression that they want to think and force people to this that food defines us. This impression you can feel it in veg and raw food eater environments. There is a saying "you are what you eat" I am partly agree with this statement. I want to write it, however, that the food is to the body as well as fuel for a car. Yes diesel will not ride on gasoline, as well gasoline on diesel. You can even have a car on gasoline and auto gas. Or a hybrid car with gasoline and electrical system. Sometime in the future, cars we will be all exclusively drive on electricity engines. Everyone will realize this soon or later. So what am I trying to present it. The type of gasoline does not define the person who directs the vehicle.

"Food does not affect what we are, but our conscious choices define us. Food is fuel, which has different properties, and which we must take according to our will. "MJCH

Eveyone know this very well if you do not keep the physical body in good shape or do not care about your car. The same situation is in the case if you do not think, and drive the car under the influence of your emotions you reduce wear of the body and car, even can cause an accident. Just as you are not thinking where are you planning to go. So the whole way could lead you nowhere.
I hope you understand my allusion that a person under the influence only of emotions or use a false ego - such a person with good diet will not help even a best vegan. I have often heard towards me that Hitler also had a moment in his life that he doesn't eat meat and was eating vegetarian food, and everybody know this well that what he did to a lot of people. What I will write it now is not to defend Hitler and just look objectively about a problem that this stage in our history of the earth. These are the people who elected him because he was a response to what was happening in the hearts of the people and at what level of consciousness back then their lived.

Returning to the subject of fuel. Hybrid cars are just entering the market and are very expensive. However, as you well know, our body and mind ale plastic formation. Our body or vehicle, which may take the form of various kinds, and in addition it is for free! You just need to think about exploitation and the cost of living, our lifestyle, medical history, heredity, environment, the type of stress, and the type of food you ate so far. We come to a situation where we have identified our body for this life.
That is why:
1. The key is to respect yourself and accept what you have!
2. Find your peaceful state of physical, emotional, and mental of your levels.
3. It is not important to be better than anyone, but it to be better than yourself from yesterday.
4. Be open-mind and think about it how can you help yourself
5. Study the necessary knowledge and confirm it of what you are doing
6. Through trials and errors, use positive changes to transform it into a habit, just fight and act!
7. Use positive effect that affects you, and reject, what is negative
8. Make better version of yourself!

As I already have been writing in this article do not operate only under the influence of emotions related to the satisfy yourself and your palate, habits, excuses and postponing things for tomorrow. Try to think in new terms and engage positive emotions. The effects that you observe and take appropriate action by influencing and changing the cause, which later transformed into new positive habits. We have to be honest with ourselves and talk with yourselves with a view to shape certain applications and the use of positive habits in our life.

4. Influence of nutrition, and the organism balance of self-healing processes in ontogenesis.

For proper functioning of our body we need:
1. Carbohydrates (fuel)
2. Proteins (building material)
3. Fats (concentrated fuel)
4. Minerals - performs the regulatory functions in cooperation with vitamins.
5. Vitamins - performs a regulatory functions.
6. Roughage - is not digested, and helps digestion of other foods.
7. Enzymes - lose their ability above 40* C temperature.
8. Ion negative - are found in fresh fruits and vegetables.
9. Peace state or optimal amount of stress.
10. Herbs - ability of warming up, cooling down and astringent (Ayurveda)
11. Sports! In a healthy and fit body lives and can express our true self.
12. The maintenance of acid-base balance, proper nutrition with this principle.
13. The glycemic index - regard to the gradual release of carbohydrates in the body, consume a low GI.
14. Probiotics - can be taken as a supplement to enhance the body, can be found in the intestines.
15. Chlorella and spirulina - are called algae, the body vacuum cleaner, they are detoxifying, collects and removes heavy metals, mobilizes the body to work.

I will not elaborate more on the functions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in the body. Since we learned of biology, as well a lot of information can be found online and in books.

The optimum amount of these substances in the body proves sustainable way of life and good health, which is characterized by a high level of energy. In such a vehicle - the body work and can be manipulated in a specific direction with a view to obtaining the results. For example you want to practice body building you have to increase a couple of factors and not forgetting about the rest. Do you want to lift your body or mind to work at highest potential? Or simply delay the ageing process? Maybe you want to live at full potential? It all depends on you and how you want to express yours true-self in your body. Of course, diet is important, but the sport also because it activates all the systems in our body and comes to the exchange of energy in all cells. The exchange of stagnant energy, get rid of toxins, increase our muscles, the skin is nourished and tense.

The healthy body is able to deal with the removal of toxins ingested within our food. Not properly nourishment can contribute to increase of toxins in our body. After some time, more toxins accumulate in various tissues of the body. We have situation in which the lymphatic system, kidneys, skin, lungs, intestines do not keep up with the removal of waste metabolic products, as well toxins. We are not providing the appropriate material so this can cause the improper functioning of our body. We contribute to the fact that the negative programs, habits, amount of stress, malnutrition leads to faster degeneration of our body.
Gathering it all at one bad eating habits aspire to the occurrence of certain diseases or strengthen already existing or activation inherited programs. I will go on with this trail waste a large amount of money first on drugs, then operations depending on whether it is free or not.
We need to know that our body is our investment. Not taking good care of your car sometimes in the future it could lead to problems or if you did not make the relevant inspections as well. Actions like not replacing the oil, we can break the engine, etc. or our heart refuses to work.

5. Bad circle - eating foods only to get calories

The influence of the excessive caloric intake in various forms of three points which I previously mentioned without taking into the consideration other factors. Can cause overweight disorder of the body and the occurrence of other diseases. The reasons are strengthening of the hidden programs, activation of our genetic code associated with a predisposition to the occurrence of hereditary diseases, which may even occur in a person with whom the bloodline did not have a problem.
A person enters a vicious circle and feels that the physical body needs something and tells him that he must get something to eat ... Failure to provide the optimum amount of vitamins and minerals results in a cry for more and more food. The body got used to bad habits and calls for more substances.
Over taking a large quantity of converted the white sugar in the form of sweets, soft drinks, white flour, white rice, etc. These products in large quantities disturb carbohydrate metabolism by contributing to the occurrence of diabetes in the future! Because they have a high glycemic index. It looks at the beginning like a drug addict who takes another dose, and needs more and more! Blood sugar spikes and then comes to a decline and we have malaise as if we were drunk or had to go to sleep ...
Instinct reactions + bad selection = temporary satisfaction with bad substances. Little knowledge of nutrition, as well as bad habits lead to a very negative situations. Develops a vicious circle. Man lives in the wrong belief system. This leads to accumulation of toxins. From time to deterioration in health ... The final stage is the disease, hospital, changes of lifestyle or eventually return to bad habits which can lead to suicide. That's what I call a suicide conscious or unconscious. Many people say that somehow they must die. Those who I met on my path and claim that, remind me about yourself in 20 years from now we'll talk then…

6. Acidity or disruption of acid-base balance in the direction of acid products

Acidic environment Cl, P, S it is below pH 7.35

Alkaline environment Na, K, Mg, Ca it is above 7.45 PH

(Picture from:

Optimum range of PH for blood in most of the metabolic processes is 7.35-7.45.

Drops below 6.8 or increase above 7.8 are deadly for the body. Immediately I will say it loud that alkalosis is very rare. With our way of life we live more in acidity. That is why it is very important a balance in these processes. I would like to emphasize that the growth of fungi, bacteria and viruses are present in the most acidic environment!

Therefore, obese people where food travels in the intestine and is absorbed by the blood capillaries. This leads to not properly use the supplied for him foods - because of the acidic PH these people become very quickly tired, feel bad, etc. It is as if to pour diesel into gasoline car of course this is a generalization ... Yet this happens also with accumulation of nutrients in the intestines where there are going to rot!

Acidity of the body means feeding with negative quantities of food which can lead to acidity pH 5.0 - 5.9 these products are:
- eating only meat high acidic properties,
- cheese acidic properties
- sugars with a high glycemic properties, bitter tea with much of white sugar, coffee with white sugar, sweet drinks all ...
- white bread
- salt
- alcohol
- sweets!
- all processed products which are sweet.
- coffee,
- tea,
- cocoa,
- chips (bad for intestines and liver)

Of course, let's not get crazy bun is better than 50 grams of biscuits or crisps. Sorry to say, but not English version which is high with white sugar...

Products on average acidic pH of 6.0 - 6.9:
- fish
- eggs
- whole brown bread
- oats
- pasta
- brown rice
- peanuts
- beer

Natural products with large amounts of proteins and fats are have very weak acidic properties, which are very important:
- walnuts,
- cashew nuts,
- hazelnuts,
- sesame,
- almonds

Balanced products which are very important within the diet:
- groats: millet, green and red lentils, barley, cous cous, potatoes, semolina, buckwheat, etc.
- fruits: bananas, apples, mangoes, pears, cherries, grapes, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, plums, avocado, etc.
- vegetables: cauliflower, onion, lamb's lettuce, sprouts of wheat and spelled
- green tea,
- water,
- fruit tea,
- herbal tea,

Highly alkaline:
- vegetables: carrots, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, lettuce, spinach, celery, cabbage, radishes, courgettes, pumpkins, green peas, etc.
- fruit: watermelon, pineapple, dates, figs, raisins, cranberries, dried fruit without added sugar only their own fresh natural juices made yourself (very important to yourself!)

7. The glycemic index (GI)
Defined as the result of the curve measured by the glycemic response after 120 min from ingestion of 50 g digestible carbohydrates contained in the products analysed and expressed relative to the glycemic response to the same amount of carbohydrates (50 g) from the reference product, which is mostly glucose (IG = 100).

Application table:
GI glucose = 100IG <50 = of course, we always choose these products with a small GI.

GI 55-70 = medium GI products selected occasionally
GI==>== 70 = product with a high GI don't, or after a heavy meal example: candies, biscuits, sweet chocolate, artificial juices, etc.

The average glycemic index of the pasta is durum wheat, buckwheat, rye bread,

Low also beans, peas,

To understand this easily let's say we are going to take a look at high-level of carbohydrates products. So nuts, oils, vegetables, fruit, butter, eggs, beans, peas, yogurt have a low glycemic index or doesn't break the balance of the pancreas. However people who eat a lot of cheese, meat in various forms, which have a low glycemic index, but again these cause acidification... So as you can see it depends on what you want to achieve. My way is to go with a healthy diet and do not eat meat and cheese.

When I select glycemic index of the products I use a shortcuts and have this in my consciousness. The main thing is that if the products are heat-treated or subjected to some changes in the structure. Example: white rice + sauce = high glycemic index; plain pasta + sauce = high; brown rice + natural sauce we made = average number of IG; grains + mycoproteiny or grains with soy products = average or small GI.

8. The quality and quantity of energy used

Very important also is the quality of the food. It is the amount consumed and used of our energy in the digestive process to extract calories from intake of the product (s). This can be determined by the amount of water in the product. So most heavy digestion products are nuts, fried food. From the lightest category of the largest:

1. Juices made by ourselves with use of the juicer, of course, are the best. You can drink juices ready to drink, but I would not recommend for a daily basis because they are subjected to changes of real structure, well it is certainly better than Pepsi, Coca-cola and other soft drinks. It is known to all people, and from time to time, one for a month :-) the best way is to have a good habit to drink mineral water or spring water, fruit tea, cocoa, if with sugar I recommend dark brown sugar (or xylitol, fructose) can be applied to soy milk, coffee with soy milk, ginger, cinnamon the same way for other drinks, etc. It depends from the needs of the body and tastes, or our emotional body and the mental body.

2. Cocktails or smoothe of course only natural made by us - from the fruits are very good to start a day. Time to accomplish in the 3 minutes. I would recommend for the morning starter because our stomach is still asleep ... Can be quickly made, it is very healthy and nutritious. They are made with fruit for example breakfast for 2 people, 3 to 4 bananas, 2 kiwis, raisins or cranberries, 1 table spoon of flour from almonds, half a cup of warm water or soy milk can be used without if we use very juicy fruits; comes from 400 ml to 650 ml for two the best breakfast. Of course, this can be combined with use of: natural yogurt, cocoa, herbs, dried fruits, etc. If you train bodybuilder recommend avocado, spinach, flour nuts, coconuts, cream cheese, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, soy yogurt.

3. Vegetables and fruits every kind if are organic or not, feeding children with not organic very careful because they can cause allergy we feed with one type of the fruit, check reactions of the body after consumption. It looks like a test. However our babies react differently. Of course, preferably organic, but there also need to be careful. However, compared to the daily diet needs better the fruit or vegetable any kind then nothing ... healthy body and proper exercises can handle with any type of toxins.

4. Natural vegetable salads only naturals made by us with use of vegetable oils. So a large amount of vitamins and minerals, vegetables have alkaline properties, and to raise the level of caloric oils or whole nuts or nuts flour or soy products.

5. Salads with fruits only naturally made, but if you buy it I think it is better then nothing.

6. Oatmeal because they have a good glycemic index along with dried fruits or nuts can be used also with flour from nuts. Corn flakes there are a lot of types. I would recommend due to the additions of vitamins and minerals. Of course the best if it is to eat with soy milk.

7. Soups only natural made by us - vegetable soup without meat is possible to be done in 20 minutes or even less! My other half really likes them because she wants to maintain a healthy body, and I prefer second pair of the dinner to really fill me up...

8. Second course only natural by us - I recommend vegetarian, there are a large number of groats, vegetables. If you want to get more calories you use natural oils. If you want to get more protein you use nuts to salads, or mycoproteins (from Quorn available in Sainsbury, have also seen in Lidl and Tesco, the largest also in Iceland), soy products sometimes hardly available on the UK market, but can be bought in Polish shops, of course not genetically modified !. Of course if you are going to buy ready meals the best way is to choose those that contain small degree of preservatives or products similar to the natural ones ... for example vegetarian Pizza from sainsbury has natural frozen vegetables better this then canned! Adding yet mycoproteins or soy products and you have a quick healthy meal in five minutes.

9. Sandwiches best done by us with brown bread a variety of grains seeds and vegetables, and use also of mycoproteins, soy products, cheese.

At every point I emphasize that it is very important that we should be aware of what we eat. Care of ourselves, respect and loved this body. For this life it is only one vehicle that we have, and we can't change it, like we can change for a new car if we earn some money ... However someone could say that heart we can etc., but it is only when we see a danger of the life. To the world will come a baby with a heart problem, not a person who entire life treated badly of himself and now realize that he wants to have a new heart. Even better, there are situations in which the doctor weighs 150 kg does not care about himself and tells how to live the others, who in their right mindset will listen to him ... Hypocrisy have a lot of faces. Cause and effect. Everyone has their own path ... Advice for it, is to use a little bit of consideration.

9. Blocks of hunger

Every bitter drink (without sugar!) have a cooling properties and, if it is drink on an empty stomach it blocks the need for food - enables the use storage energy from our body. Drinks such as black tea, coffee, cocoa, but you have to remember that they have a strong acidifying properties so I recommend usually to avoid. I drink cocoa drink only because of the large amount of magnesium and increases of serotonin for our body. All of these drinks in combination with herbs with warm properties it stimulate our appetite! For example cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, etc.

Pitta bitter drinks after the meal support digestion! Often in the Mediterranean countries they drink a glass of wine after the dinner with dry or semi-dry properties. It sounds a little bit confusing in the beginning. Short story for Mayan cocoa seed they fed warriors after a victorious battle. The drink combined with cocoa and chilli! I add dark brown sugar, which has lot of molasses. Super drink I recommend the version with chilli or without.

The best way to deal with hunger is to simply accept the optimal amount of calories and need for nutrients, water, air also practise of the will, over the body desires.

10. Circadian rhythm of our body

I want to say it in the beginning that I'm not using the food pyramid as we know well, it is not practical. Human after waking in the morning, first we need a water! To fill deficiencies formed after a couple of sleep hours without fluid. Secondly, the stomach and intestines in the morning they are not working immediately at high-speed. So eating a lot in the morning does not make sense. That's why we eat products easy to digest rich mainly with carbohydrates, fat and protein as well as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber I prefer fruit smoothie, oatmeal or corn flakes. When it is noon or sun is at its zenith our body is very agitated, so by eating heavy products we will end up with the fact that we will want to sleep ... Mental work will be associated with the fighting to prevent sleep. That is why people drink coffee or other stimulants, or have a siesta ... In the evening activates our parasympathetic system, melatonin calms our body and it is the best time for digestion, balance energy shortages, occurs reconstruction and fulfillment of our energy storage. After going to sleep, our body after some time calms down, and as we all know it regenerates. So how is with this theory? Regenerates at night and, I can't eat nothing before my sleep? So how my body will regenerate? Now you understand why this pyramid doesn't work. I do not see the logic here. Unless you're on a diet and you are taking daily as much calories you consume in a day!

11. My diets

Western diet - of our civilization, eat everything you want and as you want only to fill up the hunger. Without further plays and thinking ... I gave up when I was 17 ...

Raw food - raw nutrition - faction vegan diet, which mainly eat raw fruits, vegetables, salad oils, nuts, peanut flour, smoothies, fruit juices. All natural and, of course, we try to buy organic food. They have a lot of minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, fiber, negative ions. They do not eat sweets, dairy products, cooked food, do not drink sweetened beverages, alcohol, coffee, black tea.

Diet warrior - during the day we eat light products such as fruits and drink water, and in the evening we eat as much as we can. Most often I use after working days. Of course I eat vegetarian meat-free products. You can get up in the night and to your refrigerator to fill the stomach. The author argument of his diet is that our ancestors were led by intense life and after coming back to their home they have time to eat in the evening with family near fire. Wild boar hunted by father and prepared on fire and children dancing and jumping in the circle very thankful to their dad ... :-)

Diet 80 - 10 - 10 - 80% of carbohydrates, 10% of proteins and 10% fats. For many years I use this to keep me on a good level of my health and weight, of course vegetarian version.

Vegetarian diet - my main diet including acid-base balance, the glycemic index and all the factors necessary for my body, as well as peace of mind, and most importantly the sport!

FHF - Fast health food - Delivery during the day in the form of food such as: juices, cocktails, fruit chew, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, ready-made cocktails as well only to fill with water the proteins, home-made sandwiches, salads, pastries, cooked groats, mycoprotein and soy products -cooked or fry on a small amount of the oil.

Starvation therapeutic diet - version hard - only with use of spring or mineral water. Simple version with addition of the home-made fruit juices. Please note to drink only natural juices. The optimal amount of body exercise and breathing exercise. Aimed to get rid of stagnant energy from the body, reassurance and activation of the regenerative processes. It helps in the fight and procedure against disease. Indicated one day for a week or a month for those with optimal health. If it is all right you don't need. It depends on what you want to achieve. Feel free of course to read a book named "The Gerson Miracle", as well as Starvation therapeutic diet for more information. This theme associated with fasting and juice should not be underestimated. I read a story about the case of a guy who had a colitis and he started the juices diet ... he landed up in the hospital with operations on the intestines because inflammation become worse and he could not function normally. This was due to the consumption of already made juices from the store. These disciplines need to be understand first and stick to a specific direction without any thought of stupid excuses or habits.

The Gerson Miracle, please check the movie and a book associated with natural medicine and how to activate self healing processes of our body in the ontogeny.

Please also check trailers

Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days Trailer

Food Matters Official Trailer

Recommended books:
Dr. Doug Graham - 80 10 10 Diet
Weston Price - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
The Ayurveda Encyclopedia - Natural Secrets to Healinn Prevention Longevity
Kinga Wiśniewska-Roszkowska – Everything about vegetarianism original name „Wszystko o wegetarianizmie”
Ori Hofmekler – The Warrior Diet
G.P.Mahałow - Starvation therapeutic diet original name “Lecznicza głodówka”
Charlotte Gerson, Beata Bishop – The Gerson Miracle; Metoda Doktora Gersona - leczenie raka i innych chorób przewlekłych
Frederic Patenaude - The Raw Secrets

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