States of consciousness and meditation

         Many of us have heard about meditation. Everyone has on this issue probably preconceived idea and associations. My question is. Have you ever wondered how does meditation to daily real life? Following this way we should first briefly ask ourselves how our mind works? And in general what is the meditation and how can we use it?

Mind is inseparable, but it has consciousness, subconscious and higher consciousness. Sigmund Freud called differently and mainly focused on our subconscious. However his student developed and go a step further. This isn't the way and I have to say that their concepts are very accurate and examine us deeply. I do not want to go with this way and just stick to the main concept to our consciousness and how it relates to us. Well, after studying psychology, reading many books as we still can't understand what consciousness is ... How can we develop it and in which direction we can go with it.

"True master in the world is a person who can rule only of himself" Seneca

Many people are familiar with this state of consciousness in which we are bombarded with to many of thoughts and emotions. Where am I in all of this, how can I find myself if I can't hear my own thoughts. How can I distinguish my thoughts from the mind or intuition? Are these my thoughts or ideas borrowed from other people? Where is my attention directed to the inside or outside? In the east it is called samsara confusion. Since the word samsara has a deeper meaning, but I want us to focus on meaning of this symbol. Since this is a state where the man only responds to external stimuli and responds to it accordingly.

So my question is how can an individual achieve a clear focused consciousness in which man, despite of the changing world or external factors on which he has no impact. Exactly my question is, do he has impact or not? There will be some people who say that, they have control over their lives, and such who believe that it is impossible to predict anything. So what a person can do about it? For some people they say that our subconscious primarily directs our consciousness.

Everything depends here on the attention which is focused on the outside or inside. As the person who has a strong character, despite the changing world ... It finds support in himself and divine principle, and this inner divine principle that every human has it on that or different level of awakening.

"If I am what I have and I lose, then what I will be?" Erich Fromm
another question - "have it or be it?"

I cannot say it, and tell this that I understand of what is happening in the hearts and minds of other people. I will not give anyone a prescription for life and even no one would have wanted. No one has. We have to find it, the answer to this in the ourselves and understand it. Each of us is a teacher of himself. It is better to look at everything with a critical eye than to accept that everything that they say to us for granted.

Returning to the main topic of meditation and consciousness.

We can distinguish:
Passive meditation - which can be done anywhere and anytime. The man is focused on the perception of events without interpreting. With the aim of silencing the thoughts.
Where remains only the focus directed to:
- Outside where the person perception use 5 senses,
- Inside where the person perception use it like it truly has 5 senses,
These states are associated with continuous impressions of thoughts because our brain is so constructed that it needs to focus on something. Very helpful here is the conscious breathing. Since the breath affects the body and mind just as mind and body affect breathing. It is not the same checks because it is in itself increases the tension in our mind and body. Involved control comes here from time to time with a conscious influence, and from time to time small correction, and at the same time listening to ourselves. Over time you can develop it and get to the pure perception and experience of everything without thoughts. Which, like the wind come in and out of our heads. Person learns conscious ignorance and indifference. However, one should be said that a person, choose on what he or she should focus and on what don't. Therefore, going further in this query we are going to the next meditation.

Active meditation - is a condition in which a person focuses his consciousness and mind on a chosen topic. Choose focus on active thinking in his own mind, and also use knowledge from external ways in the form of: books, movies, talking to people, observing natural phenomena, the study of other cultures and so on. Of course, in the direction in which person wants to develop. Dedicate person mind and heart. However, the person comes to the extreme because it begins to live only in the mental world in the same time not noticing of what is going on around him.
This form of meditation is very effective to solve the problems that fret us and help us in understand of our bodies, develop emotional intelligence, as well as develop our intellect. And how to not lost of ourselves and not to be called egocentric or narcissist person who focuses only on the tip of his nose. So here comes the next form.

Instead of focusing on removing the problem just develop opposite site.

Active-passive meditation - in which a person's focus attention here and now, develops person's will, which has an impact on their life, so to speak physical body, emotional side and mental body. It is a balance between the interpreter and the perception of phenomena. Used during everyday life. Where use to comment and pay attention to this of "what is happening around us" on the outside as well as inside the ourselves. The mind has the tendency that he likes to go where the wind goes. So from us this depends of what are we going to do with it and in which direction we can go. Very important to the develop lucid dreams. Maintaining a clear consciousness, which is a reflection of our dreams. Since this is how we sleep shows us how we live.

Contemplation - is a condition in which we focus on one idea and meditate until the state of exhaustion of all other forms of understanding will end. Condition followed after that by pure perception.

And here it bows our consciousness, and development of our "will", which depends on our way of life and stage of our development of this where we are. So, as you noticed everything that used to be heard, read or seen - we have experienced.

I would recommend these books related to these topics:
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
Mindfulness - Ellen J. Langer
Daniel Goleman - Emotional Intelligence

A.E.Powell - Mental Body; Etheric Body; Astral body.

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