Personalised Education for free?

Education for free
How our brain works
Here and now – mindfulness
Develop your cognitive skills
Improve your mental skills
How can you better use of your memory?
Improve your knowledge

Education for free

Is it possible with use of modern technology. If you think that learning is boring I know from my own experience... I know that every person is different and need specific time and effort. Some people are gifted some not, but remember you can do it - we all have the same DNA only in some people is differently activated and our brain shaped thorough our environment and it works how it works. However you can change it with necessary commitment. Why and for what? Because learning should be fun and for everyone for free!

Tips of how to use safely crutches

How to safely use crutches
First of all - use sport shoes with high sole. It is safer for your lower joint limbs. Because you are going to put more weight on your healthy side. If you are wearing sport shoes it prevents degeneration of your hip and knee joint.

Conspiracy theory of the groups

Who are we compared to the group - the expectations which are going to destroy or build us?

A human being
Equations of mind
Desire of the group
The equations of self in relation to the groups
Manipulation of the group and individualism

The day when earth stop to exist. Path of the peaceful warrior.

It is not important to be better than someone else, but to be better than yesterday”. JIGORO KANO

Thermo what? Treatment by thermos?! No it is a "thermotherapy" for the uninitiated.

I. Heat therapy
1. Effect of Heat
2. Indications
3. Contraindications
4. Types of treatments

II. Cold therapy
1. Effect of Heat
2. indications
3. Contraindications
4. Types of treatments

Nutrition and diet

Your food should be a medicine, and your medicine should be a food.

1. Generally about nutrition
2. Pollution
3. Nutrition and types of fuel
4. Nutrition impact, and the balance of processes of self-healing organism in ontogenesis
5. Bad circle - eating food only to get calories
6. Acidosis disorder of acid-base balance toward acid products
7. The glycemic index (GI)
8. The quality and quantity of energy
9. Blocking hunger
10. The daily cycle of our body
11. Types of my diets

Interaction between interpreter and observer in the physical world

         The mind by learning in the physical world of phenomena and its laws. It shapes its skills consciously by using of ego, which sometimes develop into personality traits that become use by subconscious or lower self. Which results in that person performing daily activities, and thinking about something else entirely. So the interpreter jumps on various subjects of physical, emotional or mental level. Everything associated with the past or the future often being blinded to this "what exactly" is happening in the present moment.

States of consciousness and meditation

         Many of us have heard about meditation. Everyone has on this issue probably preconceived idea and associations. My question is. Have you ever wondered how does meditation to daily real life? Following this way we should first briefly ask ourselves how our mind works? And in general what is the meditation and how can we use it?

Back pain part 2

             Neck pain can appear in both categories of people. Who conduct active or sedentary way of live. Because of poor body posture. In a matter of time can lead to anatomical changes and osteoarthrosis. This can affect head problems such as migraines poor eye seeing, blure vision; numbness of hand; dowager's hump and so on. This is a very large subject, but I will concern on answering this question “how can you help yourself?” Our neck muscles are in constant work during the day. So in the beginning of the problem and constant-chronic pain. You need to relax and rest. In some point exercises they are necessary, but be careful. Muscles of the head they are very strong because they work all day long! Main problem is lack of balance caused some time in the past.

Factors which influence human

          On the base of present research, it is considered to that the damage of mitochondrial DNA plays as essential role in the aging processes. A significant role in the degeneration of the body takes the process of oxidation.

The cause of mobility disorders

              Human beings try to realize personally and socially. In the course of these activities which requiring physical activity in onto-genesis can lead to restrict mobility of the lower limbs or even dysfunction. In cases of mechanical fracture, injury, contusions, sprains or changes in or around the joints can manifest as a lacks of movement. To restriction of the movement may also occur because of the neurological changes in such diseases such as: stroke, spinal cord injury, peripheral nerve injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease.

Back pain part 1

             We can categorize this to - two different sections. Because everything is about balance in our life. If we are conduct intensive way of life - where we are mainly spend time in the standing positions. We have to treat our body accordingly to this states. To provide beneficial diet, proper rest and proper exercises for balance of the muscles. Because everything is about to maintain natural curves of the vertebral column. Which are affected by this how we are living and strength of the muscles.

P.R.I.C.E Injury Protocol your first help

Is right first aid for muscle and joint injuries
"P" is for Protection
"R" is for Rest
"I" is for Ice
"C" is for Compression
"E" is for Elevation