Personalised Education for free?

Education for free
How our brain works
Here and now – mindfulness
Develop your cognitive skills
Improve your mental skills
How can you better use of your memory?
Improve your knowledge

Education for free

Is it possible with use of modern technology. If you think that learning is boring I know from my own experience... I know that every person is different and need specific time and effort. Some people are gifted some not, but remember you can do it - we all have the same DNA only in some people is differently activated and our brain shaped thorough our environment and it works how it works. However you can change it with necessary commitment. Why and for what? Because learning should be fun and for everyone for free!

How our brain works

Neuroplasticity – this mean that every action and reaction of ourselves shape our brain that it will work in a specific direction. Even our way of thinking and behaviour. To read more about it check this book Norman Doidge - The Brain That Changes Itself or watch short video.

We have two types of the memory:
A) short term memory – chemical function – short term boost of our function after few days we have a cloudy impression about specific topic or action.
B) long term memory – structural function – we need to work hard and give a lot of effort if we want to truly develop specific automatic mental skill and function. It will become after some time automatic without thinking like walking, speaking, or like for some yogis lucid dreaming.

With use of short term memory average person can remember max 7 thinks in one moment. With training we can extend it. However with use of mnemotechnics we can extend it as much as we need it. Tony Buzan inventor of mind mapping and authority in this subject.
Mnemotechnics uses thought memory tabs - imaginary tabs. So that we use both of our hemispheres left logic thinking and right creative symbol thinking.

Long term memory – it is like our muscles if we don't practice we will loose it capabilities after some time or will be sleeping in ourselves. So we need to repeat - break and repeat with use of our full attention to repeat like we do it for the first time. To understand this subject I will send you to Mindfulness books.

Here and now – mindfulness

It is about our attention in a present moment, with full observation and thinking about what are we doing here and now. Concentration is very important so we can practice it with focus on our breathing pattern so we can relax ourselves and provide in the same time a lot of oxygen for our brain. To avoid silly thoughts just ignore them and focus on this what is important for you in a specific moment. Very good training for it is a concentration and observation of our breathing pattern and changing it for abdominal breathing. If necessary abdominal and upper chest breathing technique.

Develop your cognitive skills

I recommend Lumosity where you can play and practice your concentration and cognitive skills in the same time.

It has few divisions:
Speed – information processing.
Memory – extend capacity of your memory.
Attention – selective and divided attention on few topics in the same time.
Flexibility - brain shift – task switching from one to another way of thinking.
Problem solving – math, planning.

It has premium option which you can buy it to get access to all options, but you don't have to.

If you want to find out more about our cognitive functions I recommend you to watch series of Brain Games.

How to improve your mental skills

I think the best way and the cheapest is just thinking about your chosen topic and gathering necessary informations about it. However you can improve it with use of Elevate application. Every day session it gives you 3 games.

You have sections like for:

Writing – brevity, clarity, detail, error avoidance, expression, inversion, punctuation, refinement, spelling, syntax.

Listening – focus, name recall, retention, sequencing, synthesis.

Speaking – adjective recall, diction, eloquence, memory, precision, pronunciation.

Reading – agility, comprehension, connotation, context, extraction, processing, visualisation, word parts.

Math – conversion, discounting, division, equivalence, estimation, measuring, percentages, proportion, purchasing, subtraction, tipping.

It has premium option which you can buy it to get access to all options, but you don't have to.

How can you better use of your memory

Use your imagination and logic thinking with use of mnemonics. I think is the best way if you are going to do it on your terms, because we all different. If something it's not working for you just try and find a way to improve this. I give you specific tools, but remember without your effort you will get only as much as you put to it, and nothing more. We live in a century where we are consumers and no one wants from you more then that because there are producers and they need consumers. They program you from media that everything suppose to be easy and if you can't afford it just take a credit, but in life nothing is easy. Always you have to give something from you to get it.
It is the same situation with learning, if you want to learn specific knowledge or skill you have to give your time, energy, attention and stress. Remember when are you going to learn something new it must be pleasant in the same time, because if this will be only stressing you are going to abandon it.

Improve your knowledge

Memrise - to avoid boring repetitions I will recommend this android application. Where you are going to improve your specific area which you want to learn it. This application concentrate on this what you don't know and repeat from time to time only what you already remember. It has classic repetition and fast repetition (after unblocking premium). I think the best way to learn is classic repetition where you can focus more profoundly and improve stay of your information in long term memory.
Easily you can learn every language... I also recommend Duoligno where you can learn few languages if your mainly speak in English or use this and new one if you are not.

Khan Academy it is totally for free and it has all necessary lectures about specific University Educations divisions. It is developing all the time. All knowledge presented there is checked by specialists. I think if you are eager eager to learn you have to check it.

You can get access through your computer and your phone. 

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