Thermo what? Treatment by thermos?! No it is a "thermotherapy" for the uninitiated.

I. Heat therapy
1. Effect of Heat
2. Indications
3. Contraindications
4. Types of treatments

II. Cold therapy
1. Effect of Heat
2. indications
3. Contraindications
4. Types of treatments

Thermotherapy is the section of physical therapy in which we use the impact of heat and cold with indications to speeds up recovery time. We distinguish different types of treatments, that can be used under the guidance of a doctor, a physiotherapist, and if we have the appropriate knowledge, can be used as the non-specialist forms. It is important to understand the simple laws which we can use it to achieve adequate goals for our benefit. I would also mention that these treatments are designed to help, but if the situation requires more advanced treatments, such as use of the sauna, hydrotherapy, special design showers, water massages, as well as cryotherapy or use of the cryo -chamber. If you think that your problem cannot be solved, I recommend you enlist the advice of professionals.

I. Heat therapy

Everybody loves swimming in the warm or even hot water. That's why we love summer. We love to sink in a bathtub full of hot water, or maybe use of the hot shower after a hard day's work? We all know it and we love it. However have you ever wondered influence of the heat on our body? I would like to mention briefly about some two very important issues. They were a two gentlemen who have been studying this phenomenon. They formulated two laws named with use of their name:

1. Law of van't Hoff, formulated by Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, Jr. was a Dutch, whose passion was chemistry in which he won the Nobel Prize in that field. This law tells us that an increase of the temperature by 1 Celsius degree also increases metabolism by 17%, increase of oxygen consumption, acceleration of metabolism, mainly carbohydrates and fats. Enzymes act effectively at a higher temperature, but cannot cross 40 ° C where occurs denaturation of proteins.

2. Law of Dastre'a Morata formulated by Jean-Pierre Morat and Albert Dastre both were physiologists. With their study they have recognized the physiological response of the body in which "the vasoconstriction of the capillaries of the body surface is usually accompanied by vasodilation of the internal vessels, especially of the viscera, and vice-versa" under cold influence the blood vessels located in the lower and upper limbs they are shrinking and the inner vessels are expanding (in the chest and the abdominal cavity). The opposite situation is with influence of heat. For example where in the cold environment, our brain is more supplied with blood and works better our attention. However, with influence of heat inner vessels are shrinking and the vessels in the upper and lower limbs are expanding in order to give the excess of heat in the form of "sweat and waste" the products of metabolism. Therefore, it is why we are feeling sometimes numb in hot days ... Generally everyone should remember to drink a lot of liquids in that days.

1. Effect of heat

There are two types of action

general on our whole body
local on a selected areas

The general impact:
- Increase metabolism and stimulate circulation
- effect of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral,
- intensifies the effects of some medications

The local impact:
- influence blood flow and nutrition of tissues,
- analgesic ailments caused by increased muscle tension, overtraining, occurrence of soreness,
- contractures, with the aim of improving the extensibility of collagen tissue,
- anti-inflammatory. Here you have to be careful with a diagnosis of the type of inflammation. Therefore, in exudative inflammation it is the kind of fluid accumulation in a particular place and in acute inflammation use only cold!
- resorption that is in the process of absorption of infiltrates or traumatic hematomas - not only in the first period after injury

Undesirable effects are such as:
- improves blood circulation latent infection and inflammation,
- activation of the enzymes responsible for the destruction of cartilage collagen,
- permeability of vascular wall is increased, causing swelling and bleeding,
- causes interference in the activities of the heart and circulatory system.

2. Indications:
- increased muscle tension,
- contractures,
- soreness,
- the bruises and soft tissue injuries (after the termination of acute inflammation),
- degenerative conditions of the spine and joints,
- diseases of the joints,
- scars,
- postoperative adhesions,
- rheumatic changes,
- chronic inflammation.

3. Contraindications:
- acute and sub-acute inflammation, tightening in the course of chronic diseases such. Arthrosis, fresh disc prolapse, swelling, bleeding, tumors, peripheral circulatory disorders, blood clots, post thrombotic inflammation of veins, severe heart and circulatory system,
- conditions after fresh injuries,
- in infants,
- atherosclerosis,
- ulcers of the stomach and duodenum,
- high blood pressure,
- sensory disturbances,
- treatment with use of the sauna should not be taken 24 before important events or direct training, and after as well - due to dehydration of the body; menstruation in women; fever.

4. Types of treatments

Having a general nature and is affecting the entire system

Non-specialized for example:
- hot shower,
- bathing in the hot tub,
- hot tub with hydro massage,
- home sauna,

- hydrotherapy - based on the external water is used with different forms: liquid, solid or gas with a temperature and pressure of the water,
- balneotherapy - section of the physiotherapy which is dealing with the wide application of water at different temperatures,
- dry steam cabinet,
- special wooden cupboard, in which the patient is inside, while the head remains on the outside,
- heating with use of the hot sand. Applying a pouch with coarse after heating to the temperature. 40 - 46 ° C while the total dust bathing is carried out in wooden vats or plastic material, which are filled with dry sand heated to a temperature of 40 - 45 ° C; in a bath of sand sick sitting in a bathtub buried to the height of the lower ribs level;
- dry Roman Sauna - special adapted room in which the air is heated to the temperature of 40 -60 ° C by means of stoves or electric heaters,
- Sauna - depending on the temperature and residence time spend in the chamber can be increased to stress out or for heat workout of the thermo regulation system in our body; the principle of each workout is a repeat reaction with gradation of intensity, so you should carry out a series of treatments. It is important to use 1 h after the last meal. Heating methodology consists of two phases is 5-15 minutes heating and after that time the cooling period. The minimum length of the procedure is 10-25 minutes.
- a hot stone massage,

The nature of the local

- hot water bottle - rubber bag filled with hot water (2/3); on areas of the body, which intends to warm up, you must first apply a dry towel and water bottle; woolen cloth cover to prevent rapid cooling,
- paraffin heated in hot water, the use as above,
- heating pad,

- radiation heating by means of IR lamps, with a wavelength range of 770 to 1500 nm
- ultrasound - the influence of heat, mechanical and chemical.

II. Cold therapy

1. Influence of the cold

We divided into two phases with influence on a general body system or local body parts:

Phase I, as follows using the cold

Phase II occurs after the treatment

Phase I, is associated with narrowing of the blood vessels, or decreased metabolism, reduced acute inflammation, decrease swelling, worse supply of oxygen and nutrients, there is an increase in muscle tone, and if we find, for example in a cold environment, the occurrence of goosebumps related calling tension with the aim of increasing the body temperature, the body's defensive reaction. Pain reduction, eg. having a local influence by reducing the excitability of nerve conduction velocity and by nerve impulses.

Phase II, blood vessels are extending which leads to better blood circulation, and the tissue nutrition, oxygenation, reduce tension, reduce or abolish the pain.

Physiological consequences:
- reduction of breaths,
- the exemption of pulse,
- increase of the metabolism mainly of carbohydrates and fats,
- redness after treatment,
- faster convalescence,
- reducing the excitability of nerve,
- blocking the passage of pain impulses in the spinal cord, the strongest not reach the cerebral cortex,
- stimulate "endogenous opioid system" of an analgesic,
- general influence were internal body vessels extend which affects our mood - blood supply of the brain which improves mental functions - eliminates fatigue, increased need for movement and disappearance of clinical depressive syndromes,
- increase immunity by increasing lymphocytes,
- anti-inflammatory,
- cooling the skin which turns to red, with further cooling occurs cyanosis.

2. Indications:
- acute inflammation,
- injuries of joints and soft tissues to 5 days after occurrence,
- swelling,
- burns,
- regeneration of tired muscles,
- neuralgia, peripheral nerve. For example sciatica, but use only in the appropriate positioning of the body, not to enlarge the consequences,
- increased muscle tension,
- thrombophlebitis in the initial period,
- lymphoedema,
- psoriasis,
- gout,
- discopathy,
- AS - ankylosing spondylitis,
- RA - rheumatoid arthritis,
- arthrosis deformans - degenerative diseases of the joints,
- spastic paresis (excessive muscle strain - muscle hypertrophy).

3. Contraindications:
- Sudeck syndrome,
- varicose veins drumsticks,
- diabetes,
- paroxysmal tachycardia,
- the metal in the deep tissue,
- Reynaud's disease,
- skin lesions after radial,
- inflammation of the renal pelvis,
- frostbite.

4. Types of treatments

Having a general nature affecting the entire system

Non-specialized, for example:
- cold baths in the tub,
- cold shower,
- bathing in the snow,
- swimming in the cold sea,

- cryogenic chamber where the person enters a specialized chamber in which the temperature reaches minus - 120 ° C

The nature of the local

- compresses with ice cubes, frozen foods, etc.
- Chilled towels from the refrigerator,
- cold silicone bags,
- massage with use of ice cube,
- cold aerosols,
- single cooling compresses containing a substance which when mixed cause endothermic reaction; the reaction is initiated, eg. by hitting the bag.


- Cryotherapy from 0 ° C to minus -130 ° C using liquid nitrogen, in the evaporating temperature.

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