Factors which influence human

          On the base of present research, it is considered to that the damage of mitochondrial DNA plays as essential role in the aging processes. A significant role in the degeneration of the body takes the process of oxidation.

Contained in fruits, vegetables, herbs and sprouts naturally occur antioxidants which take an important role in protecting of the body from negative influence of free radicals which make a damage to our DNA, proteins and lipids of the cell. To accelerate the aging process of the body system by accumulation of the macromolecules because over consumption - processed foods, cumulation of toxins, diet deficient of vitamins and minerals towards calorie-rich foods which tend to disturb acid-base balance.

With age, we feel reduce need to sleep, and this influence the low production of melatonin, which functions as a natural biological clock, regulates sleep and waking state and also has the effect of reducing the amount of free radicals.

The presented above factors affect the development of diseases such as osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, obesity, heart disease, degeneration of the large joints, congenital foot, diabetes, ankylosing spondylitis, sciatica, and other diseases as dangerous to humans.

Lifestyle and environment leads to a disproportion between the overloading of the nervous system, and decreasing function of the locomotor system. This leads to disturbance of the whole body system. Prolonged stress disrupts the balance of the nervous system. Leads to increasing work and overwork the sympathetic nervous system, which is dominant during the day. Accompanied by a low efficiency of the immune system, as well compensation and regeneration capacity of the constitution.

For people may occur food disorder involving overeating in an uncontrolled manner, without feeling of physical hunger which can result of obesity. Affliction of the compulsive eating is a common feature consists in suppressing of the emotions or for a discharge of tension. This leads to addiction where after of overeating sessions person feel sense of guilty, often do not only to the overeating, but the way it affects their health consequences, due to development of obesity. Similar consequence are associated with excessive consumption of stimulants (coffee), smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs. This causes change in the function of the whole body system. 

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