From prostate and urinary incontinence into tantra yoga

General information
Tantra yoga

General information
Normal bladder in both women and men is able to maintain a day from 300 to 400 ml, and during the night up to 800 ml. It also depends on the degree of stretch. Healthy prostate allows the occurrence of erectile, as well as the possibility of natural urination. Properly trained muscles are able to perform longer sexual intercourse for man, while for women increase of sensations.

Urinary incontinence can be divided into several types:
1. Incontinence (urge), which symptoms are uncontrollable urination and faeces. It can occur in both children and adults.
2. Stress incontinence, which manifests itself during urination or increasing effort of stress, and even during the usual sneezing and laughing.

The more developed division of incontinence was adopted by the Committee of Standardization International Continence Society.

3. Neurogenic incontinence associated with motor neuron damage may be divided into:
- Neurogenic bladder S2, S3, otherwise known as bladder automatic (upper motor neuron lesion) where there occur a spontaneous urination, there are also sensations around the crotch and buttocks.
- Neurogenic bladder above S3 autonomous (lower motor neuron lesion), the situation where you cannot give urine or faeces.

Prostate called also the prostate gland when are having problems in passing or situations with urinary incontinence, and problems with occurring of the erection.
The prostate consists of two lobes connected by a bond, problems are associated with hypertrophy of the prostate. The rear portion is adjacent to the rectum.

Hemorrhoids pathological condition where there is inflammation. There are two types external or internal. Pain, burning, and swelling in the anal area.

Selected muscles, which play a very important role during urination, feces or ejaculation.

Musculus levator or consists of m. Pubococcygeus and m. Iliococcygeus - Function: Includes rectum from behind, tightens anus , medial, limit the gates through which the levator muscles in men going through the urethra and also vagina in women.

Musculus sphincter or externus - the function - tightens anus

M. transversus perinei profundus - function enhances the gates of the levator ani muscles, tightens the urethra.

M. gluteus maximus - the function of the upper part of straightening the hip, as well as turn out and abduction. The lower part straightening, turn on the outside, conduction.

(Drawings applied from the Atlas of Sobotta 22. Edition, Volume 1, p. 34)

Selected muscle exercises listed above are designed to reduce problems associated in that areas. Isometric character of exercises.

Isometric exercise rely on the conscious tensing of the specific muscle or area of the body. Without performing a specific action for the selected muscle. It is a tension of the muscle.

Urinary incontinence
Stopped urination, it is like this: urine, stop, urine, stop, urine and relaxed at the end. So that there is no retention of urine in the urethra because it can lead to inflammation.

Retraction of the anus in the seated or standing position, tension for 5s and relaxation several times to 20 repetitions, you can take each day x3 or x1. After some time, it can be done it any position and time.

Stretch of the gluteus maximus muscle results in better strength, blood circulation of that area, x1 to x5 daily repetitions.

Neurogenic Incontinence:
- neurogenic bladder S2, S3, otherwise known as bladder automatic. Applying the same isometric tension of the abdominal muscles, occurs to stimulate urination. It is very important to regulate fluid intake before bedtime.
- neurogenic bladder above S3 autonomous. The required assistance is done by manually squeezing above the pubic symphysis. Training includes a stretch of the bladder, pressing and checking after 1.5 hours of urination and extension of time to learn and stretch the bladder walls up to 4 h if it is too long, try to 3.5 hours and then again 4.5 h. While detained stool and not possible to do it there will appear sweat on his forehead.

Hemorrhoids - retraction and relaxation of the anus, also in can be done in the same time, the tension of the gluteus maximus. Application of creams reduce pain. Very helpful in the early stages. Defecation of the stool it very helpfull when you are doing it not in 90 * degree, but 45 * degree position. It is like when you are bending forward while sitting on the toilet or in the squat position. Helps to relax m. pubococcygeus consisting of puborectalis. As a result, the rectum is more relaxed, slope and belly breathing helps us in defecation, without irritating hemorrhoids.

Tantra yoga

It also can be called partnership yoga, in which both partners working on use of the sexual energy by focusing on the performance ratio, not on its final stage. In women, it leads to the occurrence of several orgasms in men controlled lust, elongation ratio, and controlled ejaculation, you can train where a man has an orgasm without ejaculation. Exercises are the same as described above as an example.

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