Factors which influence human

          On the base of present research, it is considered to that the damage of mitochondrial DNA plays as essential role in the aging processes. A significant role in the degeneration of the body takes the process of oxidation.

The cause of mobility disorders

              Human beings try to realize personally and socially. In the course of these activities which requiring physical activity in onto-genesis can lead to restrict mobility of the lower limbs or even dysfunction. In cases of mechanical fracture, injury, contusions, sprains or changes in or around the joints can manifest as a lacks of movement. To restriction of the movement may also occur because of the neurological changes in such diseases such as: stroke, spinal cord injury, peripheral nerve injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease.

Back pain part 1

             We can categorize this to - two different sections. Because everything is about balance in our life. If we are conduct intensive way of life - where we are mainly spend time in the standing positions. We have to treat our body accordingly to this states. To provide beneficial diet, proper rest and proper exercises for balance of the muscles. Because everything is about to maintain natural curves of the vertebral column. Which are affected by this how we are living and strength of the muscles.

P.R.I.C.E Injury Protocol your first help

Is right first aid for muscle and joint injuries
"P" is for Protection
"R" is for Rest
"I" is for Ice
"C" is for Compression
"E" is for Elevation